Time to let some fresh air into this house. I'm wrapping my hair in a bandana and putting the kids to work (as long as they are interested). It has been a long winter and beautiful weather is right around the corner. I want to be able to jump head first into summer, enjoying the things that are most important in life. I want to play in the warm sunshine with my kids, and grill out every evening that the weather allows, I want to enjoy coffee on the deck in the morning, and hear the kids echoing into the evenings, I want to get my nails dirty in my garden, and can some beautiful tomatoes, and make my own jam. I want to get full of sand from the beach and I don't even care if it gets in the car. I'm sure everyone has their own list of incredible activities that make summer hands down the best season, for me it's just simply the warmth.
Onto the task at hand. I want to be ready for when it's finally here, because every year it hits like a freight train and is gone in an instant. I'm spending the next five days spring cleaning both inside the house and out, but I'm hoping to also spend the next five days reflecting as I work on the important things in life, and giving thanks to God for each and every blessing, so perhaps a little cleaning of the soul as well. Life is moving fast and I want to be present in the moments that lie ahead in the beautiful summer that is fast approaching. Below is the list of actual cleaning projects I hope to tackle, so that this summer I can enjoy the little things in life with a greater appreciation. For me, knowing that the kids aren't being raised in total filth helps.
Day 1: Time to tackle the bedrooms: Vacuuming, mopping, dusting, folding clothes that have been stuffed into drawers, clearing out what has been outgrown.
Day 1 Spiritual Focus: The Gifts God has granted me in the form of my amazing husband and my beautiful children.
Day 2: Bathroom bleach down and comet scrub. Clean the appliances in the kitchen, inside, outside, and underneath.
Day 2 Spiritual Focus: I'm not perfect, forgive yourself and move forward, be grateful for God's unending, unwavering love.
Day 3: Finish the laundry and put it away. Vacuum, mop, and dust the downstairs living areas.
Day 3 Spiritual Focus: Find contentment in the little things, stop trying to fill any voids with stuff and focus on my relationship with God.
Day 4: Moving to the outside: rake the garden beds of debris, till up raised bed to prepare for planting, and clean the garage.
Day 4 Spiritual Focus: Share with the kids, don't be afraid to talk about my own shortcomings openly and how Jesus heals us all.
Day 5: My least favorite area to tackle, the basement.... our basement took a beating this winter because our family went through a mini renovation as the result of a small house fire. The basement became the dumping ground for miscellaneous boulderdash. This will probably consume the entire day.
Day 5 Spiritual Focus: The road less traveled, sometimes we have to give up control to God and be open to his plans.
Well that's the list. I'm hoping to not miss a beat and stick to the plan. Happy Spring cleaning!