I tried to start something at the end of last summer... My intentions were to bring people together. The platform to accomplish this was "Friday Night Meatballs" and it was going really well, but then things were put on hold due to an unexpected bump and a little "smoke" in the road. That bump helped to solidify my understanding that we all need Friday night meatballs in our lives. We all seem busier than ever, more stressed than ever, more exhausted than ever. Have we taken on too much? Are we over worked compared to previous generations? Or is it that we have simply made time spent together as friends, as family, as neighbors less of a priority? Why? I think it's important to come together to reflect, to converse, to lean on one another and be present in our own lives and in the lives of each other. Our generation is working hard and we are accomplishing great things, but at the same time I would argue that previous generations worked really hard also, and accomplished amazing things, but somehow, someway they still made time with family, neighbors, and friends a priority. Why are people now a days distancing ourselves from one another, making excuses, and putting up walls? I could sit and wonder endlessly about the differences of todays world in comparison with say my great grandmothers world.... She survived the great depression and then some. So enough wondering for the time being, it's time to act. Friday Night Meatballs is officially back on and that's all there is to it. Just as before, any and all people are welcome to attend. Just let me know by Wednesday if you'll be a part of our renewed tradition. Feel free to come as you are, the house might be a mess, the kids will be loud, but the food and company are free. Feel free to bring something to share, even if it's just conversation. We can't wait to see you all and catch up once again.
There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven: A time for giving birth, a time for dying; a time for planting, a time for uprooting what has been planted. A time for killing, a time for healing; a time for knocking down, a time for building. A time for tears, a time for laughter; a time for mourning, a time for dancing. A time for throwing stones away, a time for gathering them; a time for embracing, a time to refrain from embracing. A time for searching, a time for losing; a time for keeping, a time for discarding. A time for tearing, a time for sewing; a time for keeping silent, a time for speaking. A time for loving, a time for hating; a time for war, a time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
There's a time for gathering, and that time is now, Friday night meatballs is back.
Our first Friday night will be April 17th around 6:00 our limit is 10 adults please respond if you would like to come.
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